People are saying…
"Aisa is a great thinker, writer, and advocate who knows how to both speak truth to power and build community with people from all walks of life. She has a deep understanding of the structural barriers that people denied power face and brings that understanding to the forefront of all of her work, helping to focus it on being as impactful as possible. Aisa is a fantastic colleague."
– Jacob Denney, Associate Director of Research, Vera California
"I think she is a risk taker. Willing to leap tall buildings with a single bound, and in the brightness of day, and the darkness of night, no evil shall escape her sight. She remains my heroine."
– Jeanette Lazam, civil and human rights advocate, artist, and scholar
"Let it be said that I'll always take any and every chance to work together with Aisa -- again and again and again. She is the fearless, dedicated, and boldly insightful champion for racial justice that moves any person or project beyond exploitative and superficial actions towards the strategies that are truly needed in movement work. She's the only person I know that beautifully balances a relentless call for liberatory action with deep and genuinely rooted care. She exists beyond any one job description and is such an incredible joy to work with."
– Stephanie Imah, Director of Community Fund Design, Movement Strategy Center
"Aisa’s inclusive vision and passion for collaborating with many communities in collective action for a more just and equitable world is inspiring! Her strength and creativity energize transformative spaces for people to come together joyfully and with purpose. And her generosity has ripple effects as she draws people together and fosters connections."
– Tara Ford, Interim Directing Attorney, Opportunity Under Law, Public Counsel